Allons-y Encore, or: Here We Go—Again
I’m sure I’m late in saying it, but it seemed right to express my utter delight at the return of David Tennant as the Doctor. His appearance at the climax of the regeneration special “The Power of the Doctor” was—for me, at least—totally unexpected, and so all the more enjoyable. It is not often that I see something on the TV screen that makes me stand up and cheer, but this did. Tennant’s return promises to shine a little light into what has been for many of us a rather dreary decade. Welcome back, Mr. Tennant.
Now, mind: I am not trying to be critical of Jodie Whitaker, who did a fine job during her time as the Doctor; but, as a Shakespeare fan, if for no other reason, I have a particular soft spot for David Tennant. All we need now is an appearance by Sir Patrick Stewart on the show, if he’s not too busy.
No, that’s not all. What we really need is the return of Michelle Gomez as Missy (best arch-frenemy ever). Just imagine the fireworks if these two interacted on screen. Still, I must resist my fanboyish desire to dream of who they might team up with this Doctor next. Perhaps he’ll see River Song again, or bump into his daughter Jenny…
But the coolest part, which I cannot leave this note without mentioning, is that of the many regenerations of the Doctor we have seen so far, Tennant is now in the unique position of playing no fewer than three of them: the Tenth Doctor; what I suppose we should now call the Fourteenth Doctor; and in-between, the half-human metacrisis-with-Donna-Noble Doctor regenerated from his handy spare hand (you remember him; he married Rose Tyler, the lucky bloke).
So, molto bene! Allons-y, Alonzo! And let’s see what new adventures they have for this Doctor this time around.
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