
Showing posts from December, 2021

Ancient Faith and New Science

            I have heard it said that you should not care about what a man thinks about anything unless you first know what he thinks about everything.   That is, a man’s general worldview affects everything about him, and is perhaps the most important thing about him to know.   It is unfortunate, then, that too many of us spend so little time reflecting on how we view the stage upon which we find ourselves playing out this drama we call human history, and how much of our thinking on the subject we allow to be outsourced to the general cultural climate of our time.             That climate is, as it has always been, one of idolatry; it is only the specific idols of the era that change, and even those only so much.   Two thousand years ago, Christ had warned us that we could not serve both God and Mammon—a Canaanite deity who, like his Classical equivalent Plut...