Dawkins, Selvig, Athorism, and the Trilemma (Being Further Reflections on Thoreology)
A good idea, once someone thinks of it, seems to show up everywhere. Somebody somewhere invents the wheeled vehicle, and pretty soon, everyone is using it. Once upon a time someone managed to domesticate that naturally occurring plasma we call “fire,” and here we are still talking about him (or her, for all we know). The ancients Greeks honored this man so highly, they made him a god—more than just a god, one of the Titans, the generation that came before the gods proper—and, in some versions, at least, this god, Prometheus, was the same god that made humanity in the first place, suggesting a sort of mythic equivalency between being a fire-user and being human. Another popular god—one also associated with certain naturally occurring instances of plasma physics—is Thor, the Norse god of thunder (whose very name—in all its various f...