I'm Comin' to See Ya Elizabeth!
Or, Just Kill Me Now “Trust, but verify.”—Ronald Reagan, 40 th President of the United States Because: “People are morons”—Phil Connors, Groundhog Day Nobody knew how to turn a phrase like Gilbert Keith Chesterton. The man is endlessly quotable. Unfortunately—at least for someone trying to find a specific quote—he was also vastly prolific. And so that’s how I found myself recently forced to use the internet in an attempt to at least narrow down my search for a quote I knew I had read in one of Chesterton’s many writings. At first, it seemed, all was well. I punched in the basic quote, as well as I could remember it—which was quite well—and up popped several sources telling me where to find the quote. Among the sources I found was a presentation of the quote on Facebook and one on Goodreads. The...