An Introduction
It is March, time for Spring and the beginning of new things. And so it is appropriate that upon this day, I launch this new platform, my soapbox, my stage (call it anything but a blog--sounds like something out of "A Clockwork Orange"). The log itself (that's it. If it was good enough for Kirk and Picard...) is called "the Philosophical Optimist," and it takes its name from the irenic (and heuristic) concept that, "everyone is absolutely right about everything all of the time...except, when they are not." We'll see how that works out. The justification for this basic orientation will have to come in a subsequent post, but for now, let it be said that here I will try to explore some ideas that touch on those perennial favorites: the True, the Good, and the Beautiful; the sacred and the profaned (yes, the preterite is appropriate there), and whatever other matters my pen (which I am told is mightier than the sword) should find to essay. Now...